Saturday, 11 December 2010

Make folder or file without a name - Cool Computer Tricks

Do you know how to make a folder without a name? is it possible? Yes it is possible you can make a folder or a file without any name. Just try this

1). Click the folder or file which you want to have no name.
2). Right click on it and then click rename and delete the old name.
3). Press ALT button from your keyboard and type 0160(holding alt) after that press enter. Note that while you will type 0160 it will not appear, but continue typing and press enter.. thats it.

Its Done.
Make sure that you are using the number pad, using just the row of numbers above the qwerty doesn’t work. For a laptop, if you dnt have number pad then check and see if there’s a pseudo-numpad that uses the fn key. then you can just hold down the fn and alt at the same time while typing in 0160.

For deleting this folder you have to rename it by using command prompt. rememver dont use space use alt+0160 as current file name.

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